Tuesday, June 5, 2012


So I am pretty far behind on blogging so tonight I just want to share some random photo of the us kids and tomorrow I will play some catch up! 

So every now and then I go in the kids rooms after they fall asleep to make sure they fell asleep in bed or if they are sick I like to check on them and it was so funny to see, even in their sleep, their personalities.  

 Superheros are a pretty big deal in our house right now.  

We went to the zoo a few weeks ago and this big guy was carrying this blanket everywhere with him.  It was too funny.

Aren't they sweet?!

My Mothers Day present.  We had the same cookware from our wedding and it was worn out so Bradley was sweet enough to get me a new set.  They are Great!

Jason at his ball skills practice.  He does so great.  And after 8 weeks of practice he Finally did push ups and when he finished he was excited because there was NO grass on his shirt!! :-)

And then there is Bailey... I really don't know what to do with her.  She is a child who is determined to do things her way and she has absolutely no fear! I can't leave her alone for 2 seconds.


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