Thursday, November 14, 2013

Welcome Parker Lee Barrett

It has been two weeks since Parker arrived and things have been pretty crazy.  I am trying to figure out this having three kids thing :-) Right now the kids are playing and Parker is sleeping so I figured I would update the blog and share the birth story.  

This Labor and delivery was such a different experience.  I finally came to terms that he was not going to come on his own and I would be induced on the 30th.  I was able to enjoy the last couple of weeks and cherish each moment.  I really enjoyed it up until the day before being induced.  The day before I was kind of a mess.  I had a few break downs and felt a little anxious and nervous and overwhelmed.  I was really excited but knowing what was going to happen the next day was kind of crazy.  

So we arrived at the hospital at 7:30 in the morning and checked in.  They hooked me up to the IV.  At about 9:30 my Dr. came in and broke my water and they started me on pitocin.  That is when my contractions started to pick up but I still wasn't ready for an epidural.  I really wanted to wait as long as possible and just breath through them.  Finally at about 11 or 11:30 I asked for the epidural and after that we just waited.  Finally it was time to push.  I think I pushed for about 5 minutes or so and he arrived at 12:38 pm.  He was a perfect 8 lbs 3 oz and 20.5 inches long.  

I got a little bored while we were waiting :-) 

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